EliteID - v1.1.5.545


  • Reaching an ISO Pool's Account End # could cause the ISO Pool Configuration's Save button to be disabled.
  • Event History involving the CloudCard integration now displays event time in the local time zone instead of UTC.
  • Fixed Pick List user fields configured for 1) multiple values and 2) a Default Value returning an error when a blank value was input during Add Person and Person Edit.
  • Fixed an edge case when using Form Designer to add or remove pages that could result in the Person form and Form Designer not loading.
  • The ISO Pool "Associated Credentials" pick list could display Credentials that had already been associated with the Pool.

Improvements & Updates

  • The maximum file size for photo "File Upload" has been increased from 1MB to 4 MB. This affects File Upload within EliteID only.
  • Focus now remains on the selected Credential after editing a person and printing.
  • The ISO Pool Configuration screen now includes "Account End #". A default Account End # of "999999" has been applied to existing ISO Pool configurations.
  • The ISO Pool Configuration screen now includes an ISO Field unlock button and warning message.
  • Editing an ISO Pool's Configuration now prompts the user to reset the Next Account # on Save to make full use of the Account Start # - Account End # range.
  • A Next Account # field has been added to the ISO Management overview.
  • A Person Note can be removed by first editing the note then saving an empty note.
  • Added a site favicon for EliteID.