Find and Print is a minimalist interface to capture ID photos and print ID cards.


  • Search by Last name or ID
  • Take photo
  • Import photo (JPG)
  • Choose CDF
  • Print


Using Find and Print

Start by opening Find and Print.


  1. Login to RapIDcard Pro
  2. Open Database > Find and Print

Search a person

Search for a record by Last Name or ID

  1. Enter the last name or cardholder ID into the search box and press <enter> or click GO
  2. Select the student by single clicking the row. The row will change highlight color to indicate it is the active row.
  3. Next, use the action buttons.

If you see an error after you enter a search it usually means Find and Print has not been setup yet. See the section Configuring Find and Print and revisit this article.


Take photo using the camera

Click Take Photo to capture a photo from the camera.

  1. Search for the student record then click the student to select the row
  2. Click Take Photo to open the capture interface

  3. Click Capture to freeze-frame the video > OK
  4. Crop the image > OK

  5. Click OK to save the image to the student's record. The old image will be replaced by the new photo.


Import a Photo

Click Import Photo to upload a jpg photo.

  1. Search for the student record then click the student to select the row
  2. Click Import Photo
  3. Select the JPG photo and click Open
  4. Crop the photo then click OK


Choose the card design (Choose CDF)

Click Choose CDF to select the card template before printing.

  1. Search for the person record and click on the record to select it
  2. Click Choose CDF

  3. Select a CDF then OPEN


Print the ID Card

Click Print Card to print the selected person and ID card.

  1. Search for the person record and click on the record to select it
  2. Click Print Card


Configuring Find and Print

Find and Print has to be configured one time before it can be accessed by RapIDCard users.

Utilities > Setup > Simple Find and Print

Start by choosing the Default DBL - this is how Find & Print knows what database to use.

The system will display the fields: ID Number, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Photo

The User 1 - User 3 fields allow display of up to 3 additional data fields. Note the fields are not editable by the RapIDCard user - they are for display only.

Lastly, the Auto Open Find & Print setting will cause the interface to open automatically whenever a user successfully logs in to RapIDcard.
