The subscription to PerfectPass is based on the number of user licenses, and a user license must be available for each person wanting to access PerfectPass.

View the PerfectPass subscription

To view your school's subscription with total number of user licenses, from your user drop down menu click Switch Application > RapIDadmin then open Subscriptions and Licensing > Subscriptions.

Note: A user logging in to PerfectPass takes up 1 user license, and logging off will immediately release the user license. Logging into PerfectPass in another browser tab without logging off the first session will take up an additional user license. The system will automatically release Web user licenses after 60 days.

When there are more people trying to use the system than user licenses, or a user has logged on more than one time, you may see a message stating Unable to Acquire License when trying to login to PerfectPass.  If your school has more users than licenses we recommend every user use the Log Out option when finished using PerfectPass.

This means another login (another user) has acquired the license and needs to release it by logging off, or the license can be released manually in RapIDadmin.

When presented with the above screen we recommend asking the other users to log off, or you can follow the next instructions to release the license manually.

Release a license

To release a user license, from your user drop down menu click Switch Application > RapIDadmin then open Subscriptions and Licensing > Licensing. 

Click the RELEASE button to release the license. If the user is logged in they will be logged out immediately.