In the following example we will use RapIDutilities to create a new export map to get record data from the IDCARD table.

Go to the Export tab


Click New

  1. Choose a DSN from the list. If the list is blank go here for assistance with creating a new ODBC connection.
  2. Enter the username and password for the database connection
  3. Click Table then choose a table/view (you can type with the keyboard to jump to the table)

Note: The default table/view for IDMS/RapIDcard Pro/Elite will be named IDCARD.

After choosing the table/view you will see a record preview from the table.

Click each column name to add it to the Exported Columns List

Create an Output file by clicking the 3 dots icon beside Output File

Choose the output destination and enter a filename. 

Click Save

Click Save to exit the edit screen

The Export tab now lists the Card Export map we just saved.

Click Run Now to create the export file.

Click Open File Folder to open the file path to the export file.