Quick Find allows you to search by student ID, name, and up to one other field.

The button is located at the bottom center of the cardholder database window.

Open a cardholder database (Database > Open) to Quick Find.

How to search

  1. Open the cardholder database
  2. Click Quick Find
  3. Enter search terms (ID or first / last name)
  4. Use the First/Previous/Next/Last buttons to scroll through the result(s)

Tip: Wildcard search can be performed on fields with the LIKE operator. For example:  Smi% will return Smith,Smithsonian,etc.

The count of records returned by the search is displayed at the bottom right of the cardholder database window. Use the First/Previous/Next/Last buttons to scroll through the result(s). Click Show All to cancel the search.

Change the search fields

The search fields can be customized in Utilities > Setup > Query.