The Import Recipient List feature in PerfectPass provides the ability to bulk import guardians and non-guardian notification recipients from a CSV (comma delimited) file.

Access the Import feature by navigating to Administration > Notifications then click the Import button.


The easiest method to create your own recipient import file is to download the provided sample file then edit it in Excel or your favorite spreadsheet program.

Open Administration > Notifications then Import > Download sample import file

Open the ImportRecipientListSample file in Excel or similar spreadsheet program

Delete rows 2-6

Input recipient information following the original template as a guide

  • Each recipient must have an email address and/or cell phone number - a recipient cannot have both the Email and CellPhone fields left blank.
  • The parent/guardian is associated to their student by the student's ID number

Save the file in CSV (comma delimited) format

To upload the recipient file click Import > Import recipient list
Select the import file you created in the above steps then click OpenĀ to start the upload

PerfectPass will display a prompt confirming whether to send confirmation messages to all recipients in the file.
We recommend selecting YES at the prompt.

Please note that if you select NO, none of the recipients from the list will receive PerfectPass notifications until they are confirmed. (Click Actions > Confirm Subscriptions beside each recipient)

Alternatively, create a recipient list from scratch by carefully following the below requirements.

Recipient Import File Requirements

  • A single row column header is required
  • The column header must consist of 5 columns exactly as they are listed: StudentID,FirstName,LastName,Email,CellPhone
  • The filename extension does not matter, however the file MUST be in CSV format as shown in this raw sample
  • Tab, Pipe, Semi-colon, etc formats are not supported at this time