The PockeTracker mobile software must be configured before it can be used for scanning.


The easiest method to transfer settings is to backup settings from a functional PockeTracker and restore the settings to a different PockeTracker. 

A configuration file named PSCONFIG.xml contains PockeTracker settings including server name, port, database username / password, RG configuration, and more.

Backup PockeTracker settings

  1. Connect a fully configured PockeTracker to the Windows PC
  2. Open File Explorer
  3. Browse to This PC > (Windows Mobile device) > Program Files > PockeTracker
  4. Copy the PSCONFIG.xml file onto the PC desktop
  5. Disconnect the PockeTracker

Restore PockeTracker Settings

  1. Connect a fully configured PockeTracker to the Windows PC
  2. Open File Explorer
  3. Browse to This PC > (Windows Mobile device) > Program Files > PockeTracker
  4. Overwrite the PSCONFIG.xml file from the PC desktop (right click > copy , right click > paste)
  5. Yes to Overwrite
  6. Disconnect the PockeTracker

Next Steps

Enable the device's Wi-Fi adapter then connect to a valid wireless access point.

For these next steps begin by starting PockeTracker on the Windows Mobile device.

Assign a Station ID and/or Activity 

  1. Tap Configuration > Online/Offline/Passback Mode
  2. Enter the Station ID and/or Activity
  3. The previous steps should have restored the IDCard / Statlog / QuickCount settings to the proper modes
  4. Tap OK

Enable Gateway Syncing

  1. Tap Configuration > Sync Database Config
  2. Enable the Gateway radio button
  3. Enable the Main Table - Download All radio button
  4. Enable the Photos - All radio button
  5. Enable the Upload Statlog check box
  6. Tap OK