View a Report

View a report

Report Types

PerfectPass Reporting users will see both global and tenant reports in the View Reports drop list.

  • Global Report - Global reports are available to all PerfectPass tenants and are identified by a world icon
  • Tenant Report - Tenant reports are available to tenants only and are identified by a user icon

Report Management Actions

  • Publish Report - The publish feature is used to make reports available to reporting users. By default when a report is copied or designed it is not published. Publishing allows a report to be fully designed before a tenant can view the report.
  • Unpublish Report - Unpublish a report to remove it from the list of available reports.
    Copy Canned Report - Copy a report for further customization
  • Design a Report - Reports can be designed in Reporting > Design
    *Global reports cannot be designed. You must first clone the report by using the Copy Canned Report feature, then design the report copy.
  • Rename a Report - To rename a report open it in Report Designer, then Save As using a different name.