Use the CREATE INCIDENT button to assign an incident to a student. 


Search for a student using an ID scanner or the search feature.

  • Click Menu > Students to enter an ID or last name

  • Scan a student ID card using an ID scanner


Click CREATE INCIDENT located to the upper right

The Add An Incident window will appear

Click SELECT AN INCIDENT to show the list of available incidents

Select an incident then click SAVE

-Optional steps before clicking SAVE

  • Enter a date/time override

  • Enter the location where the incident occurred

  • Enter notes about the incident (the notes will be printed on the slip)


  • One or more slips may be printed as a result of the incident assignment. To reprint click Actions > Reprint beside the incident.

  • Detentions that result from the incident assignment will be automatically assigned or a calendar will appear (depending on the user preference). To display a calendar picker change the Auto-Assign Detentions setting in in PerfectPass Settings.

Assigning the same incident to a line of students? Use RAPIDSCAN to quickly assign an incident to multiple students!