Batch Print allows you to print more than one card at a time, e.g. all 9th grade students with photos or all employees. 

A batch print uses a "query" to select the records to print.

Batch Print Preview

Before batch printing we recommend testing batch queries by using the FIND button to confirm the results are what is desired. 

Open the cardholder database (Database > Open), click Find, then paste one of the Sample Batch Queries from below into the window then click OK. 

The resulting number in the bottom right of the cardholder database window indicates how many records will be printed. Once satisfied with the results you can plug the query into the batch print window.

Batch Printing

The Batch Print screen can be opened by clicking Database > Batch Print.

Paste the query into the white box, then click OK.

Stored Queries

You can save a query for later use by clicking the Save Query button before you click OK.

Use a saved query by clicking the Stored Queries droplist, make a selection, then click Select Query.

Sample Batch Print Queries

Print  Grade 9 students with a photo date of 03/20/2018, and sort by lastname / firstname

Grade = '09' and PHOTO_DATE = '03/20/2018' ORDER BY Lastname DESC, FirstName DESC

Print Grade 9 students with a photo, and sort by lastname / firstname

Grade = '09' and PhotoPath IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Lastname DESC, FirstName DESC

Print Grade 9 students with a photo, by last names between A and including F (make sure to include the extra Z), sorting by lastname / firstname

Grade = '09' and PhotoPath IS NOT NULL and Lastname between 'A' and 'FZ' ORDER BY Lastname DESC, FirstName DESC

Print Grade 9 students with a photo, by last names between G and including Z (make sure to include the extra Z), sorting by lastname / firstname

Grade = '09' and PhotoPath IS NOT NULL and Lastname between 'G' and 'ZZ' ORDER BY Lastname DESC, FirstName DESC


Stay close to the ID system to feed cards and replace ribbon. Before starting a large (200+) batch print we recommend running a ID printer cleaning cycle to avoid a mandatory cleaning mid-way which may interfere with the batch print.

Caution: If you experience printer issues while batch printing, do not delete jobs from the Windows Print SpoolerAfter resolving the printer issues the batch print should automatically resume.

Depending on what database RapIDCard is using you might need to change PhotoPath to PHOTO, and the name fields to FNAME / LNAME, respectively. The previous sample queries example use the RapIDtrack K-12 database column names. Once you are looking at the batch print screen you’ll see the names of the columns in the Data Fields list shown in the above screenshot.

Values for fields such as Grade might be ‘9’ instead of ‘09’.  For best results view a student record to determine the appropriate values.