The various database connections used by IDMS can be updated through the Utilities menu. These steps are necessary if and when the database server name, database name, or database username/password are changed.

The first step is to update the 32-bit SYSTEM DSN on the IDMS workstation or server environment.

1. Open c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe or use the Start menu search feature to find ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).

2. Navigate to the System DSN tab and Add a new connection or Configure the existing database connection. We recommend using the below steps to Select/Change DSN in IDMS to ensure the database connection strings used by IDMS are correct.

Caution:  We recommend backing up the environment INI and DBL file(s) before making changes.

There are up to 4 areas that may need to be updated: Audit Log, DBL files, Maintenance/Statistics, and ISO Pools.

The below steps will need to be repeated for any additional environments (Utilities > Switch Environments).

Audit Log

  1. Open Database Settings (Utilities > Setup > Database)
  2. Under the Audit log section, click Select/Change DSN
  3. The Select Data Source window will appear.
  4. Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
  5. Select the Data Source Name and click OK
  6. You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
  7. Enter the Password then click OK
  8. If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
  9. Click OK to close Database Settings


  1. Open Map Data Fields (Utilities > Setup > Map Data > Edit)
  2. Choose a DBL file, then click OK
  3. Click Select/Change DSN
  4. The Select Data Source window will appear.
  5. Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
  6. Select the Data Source Name and click OK
  7. You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
  8. Enter the Password then click OK
  9. If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
  10. Click OK to close Map Data Fields
  11. Optionally, repeat the above steps for additional DBL files


  1. Open Database Maintenance Utilities (Utilities > Maintenance/Statistics)
  2. Click Select/Change DSN
  3. The Select Data Source window will appear.
  4. Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
  5. Select the Data Source Name and click OK
  6. You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
  7. Enter the Password then click OK
  8. If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
  9. Click OK to close Database Maintenance Utilities

ISO Pools

  1. Open ISO Pools (Utilities > Setup > ISO Pools)
  2. Click Manage ISO Pools
  3. Select a Pool name from Select Pool
  4. Make note (screenshot is best) of the Table and Mapped Fields
  5. Click the Select / Change DSN
  6. The Select Data Source window will appear.

  7. Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab

  8. Select the Data Source Name and click OK

  9. You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.

  10. Enter the Password then click OK

  11. If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.

  12. In the Table droplist, select the Table name from Step 4.

  13. Confirm the Mapped Fields have not changed

  14. Click OK

  15. Repeat steps 2-14 for each additional Pool to be updated