The various database connections used by IDMS can be updated through the Utilities menu. These steps are necessary if and when the database server name, database name, or database username/password are changed.
The first step is to update the 32-bit SYSTEM DSN on the IDMS workstation or server environment.
1. Open c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe or use the Start menu search feature to find ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
2. Navigate to the System DSN tab and Add a new connection or Configure the existing database connection. We recommend using the below steps to Select/Change DSN in IDMS to ensure the database connection strings used by IDMS are correct.
Caution: We recommend backing up the environment INI and DBL file(s) before making changes.
There are up to 4 areas that may need to be updated: Audit Log, DBL files, Maintenance/Statistics, and ISO Pools.
The below steps will need to be repeated for any additional environments (Utilities > Switch Environments).
Audit Log
- Open Database Settings (Utilities > Setup > Database)
- Under the Audit log section, click Select/Change DSN
- The Select Data Source window will appear.
- Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
- Select the Data Source Name and click OK
- You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
- Enter the Password then click OK
- If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
- Click OK to close Database Settings
- Open Map Data Fields (Utilities > Setup > Map Data > Edit)
- Choose a DBL file, then click OK
- Click Select/Change DSN
- The Select Data Source window will appear.
- Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
- Select the Data Source Name and click OK
- You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
- Enter the Password then click OK
- If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
- Click OK to close Map Data Fields
- Optionally, repeat the above steps for additional DBL files
- Open Database Maintenance Utilities (Utilities > Maintenance/Statistics)
- Click Select/Change DSN
- The Select Data Source window will appear.
- Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
- Select the Data Source Name and click OK
- You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
- Enter the Password then click OK
- If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
- Click OK to close Database Maintenance Utilities
ISO Pools
- Open ISO Pools (Utilities > Setup > ISO Pools)
- Click Manage ISO Pools
- Select a Pool name from Select Pool
- Make note (screenshot is best) of the Table and Mapped Fields
- Click the Select / Change DSN
The Select Data Source window will appear.
Navigate to the Machine Data Source tab
Select the Data Source Name and click OK
You will be prompted with a database username/password screen.
Enter the Password then click OK
If the database username and password is correct the database login window will close, otherwise a database connection error will appear.
In the Table droplist, select the Table name from Step 4.
Confirm the Mapped Fields have not changed
Click OK
Repeat steps 2-14 for each additional Pool to be updated