
This article details the system requirements and steps necessary to install and configure the PockeTracker Gateway on Microsoft Server 2019.

The PockeTracker Gateway is the administration portal and server component of the PockeTracker system. It runs on Microsoft IIS Web Server and in this example will be connecting to an Microsoft SQL database where cardholder data is stored. This guide assumes the reader has already installed the Microsoft SQL database engine and SQL Server Management Studios.

System Requirements

Note: While it may be possible to run the PockeTracker Gateway on systems below with the minimum specifications listed, those systems will not be supported by Vision Database Systems.

Web Server Requirements


Static IPv4 Network Address – The PockeTracker Gateway requires a static IPv4 network address. The client mobile devices will be configured to communicate with the IIS server's network address.

Firewall exception - The PockeTracker Gateway primarily uses HTTP port 80 and optionally HTTPS port 443. If using HTTPS you must keep HTTP port 80 open, although data will not be sent over HTTP.

HTTPS - If using the HTTPS option you must acquire a FQDN SSL certificate. Wildcard certs are not supported.

Hardware & Operating System

System Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10, Server 2012
Windows 10, Server 2022
HDD Space
10GB Free
25GB Free
8 GB
16 GB
Dual-Core CPU
Quad-core CPU
Wired LAN
Wired LAN

Internet Information Services (IIS)

Server Roles

Web Server (IIS)


.NET Framework 4.7



Web Server Role (IIS) Services

Application Development

.NET Extensibility 4.7

.NET Extensibility 3.5



ISAPI Extensions

ISAPI Filters

Software Dependencies

  • Microsoft .NET 4.7
  • Internet Information Services (IIS) - ASP .NET 4.7, .NET Extensibility 4.7
  • Microsoft SQL Server

PockeTracker Installation & Database Setup

  1. Vision Database will provide an email link to the PockeTracker Gateway installer.
  2. Execute PockeTrackerGateway_x64.exe on the Web Server.
  3. Choose to install PockeTracker onto the default website, port 80.
  4. After installation the SQL database creation scripts will be available in the root of the C:\Program Files (x86)\Vision Database Systems\PockeTrackerGateway folder.
  5. Create a new MS-SQL database named PockeTracker
  6. Unzip C:\Program Files (x86)\Vision Database Systems\PockeTrackerGateway\ and execute the MS-SQL script against the empty PockeTracker database to create the required PockeTracker system tables and sample cardholder table named IDtable.
  7. Create a mixed mode SQL account named pocket_user and grant Datawriter and Datareader permissions on the PockeTracker database.

Photo Setup

The PockeTracker Gateway can access cardholder photos on the local disk of the IIS Web Server or a remote shared folder.

The easiest method to access photos in PockeTracker is to store photos in a local folder on the IIS Web Server. 

If photos are located on a remote server you must create a shared folder on the remote server and apply an AD Windows account with share permissions to a Windows service named ODBC Gateway. PockeTracker can then utilize a UNC path to the photos (such as \\remoteserver\photos )

Share the photo folder on the remote server

Configure a Log On account for ODBC Gateway service

  1. Open Services on the IIS Web Server
  2. Start > Settings > Administrative Tools > Services
  3. Right click ODBC Gateway > Properties
  4. Click on the Log On tab
  5. Enter a valid Windows account and password
  6. Click OK
  7. Restart the ODBC Gateway Service

Database Connection Setup

Create a 64-bit ODBC DSN on the web server to allow the PockeTracker Gateway to access the Microsoft SQL PockeTracker database.

  1. Open the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator (c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe)
  2. Click Add > SQL Server Native Client 11.0 > Finish
  3. Enter a Name for the connection and enter the server name. Click Next
  4. Choose "With SQL server authentication..." radio button
  5. Enter the pocket_user username and password
  6. Enable "Change the default database to.." and pick the PockeTracker database. Click next, Finish, then OK.

First Time Login

Use Google Chrome web browser to access the PockeTracker website at http://localhost/Gateway. Replace localhost with the name of the Web Server.

Log in using the following credentials:

username: administrator

password: sdiqpids

Upon successful logon you'll see Welcome to PockeTracker!


The following steps apply to the PockeTracker website.

  1. Open Admin > System Configuration > Gateway
  2. Open Database Settings
    1. Open the ODBC DSN drop list and choose the DSN created in Database Connection Setup
    2. Enter the pocket_user username and password
    3. Set Date Function to GETDATE() SQL Server
    4. Click Save
  3. Open Photo Settings
    1. Set the Location of Photos to "c:\PHOTOS" (without quotes)
      Enter a UNC path to the remote photo share ( \\remoteserver\photos )
    2. Set Photo Type to JPEG File
    3. Set Table Name to IDTABLE
    4. Set Primary Key to ID_NUM
    5. Set Photo to PHOTOPATH
    6. Click Save
  4. Open Gateway Settings
    1. Click Save
    2. Click Test Connection
      1. A successful connection will return Connected to Gateway


PockeTracker requires a valid license key to operate the client PockeTracker software and perform mobile lookups. To request a license, or apply a license please follow the below steps.

Request a License

  1. Use Chrome web browser to open the PockeTracker Gateway then log in as Administrator
  2. Click Admin > System Configuration
  3. Click the Licensing tab
  4. Copy the Machine Code string to clipboard (select all, then Right Click > Copy)
  5. For best results, paste the license string into a notepad text file
  6. Email the license string file to [email protected]

Apply a License

  1. Use Chrome web browser to open the PockeTracker Gateway then log in as Administrator
  2. Click Admin > System Configuration
  3.  Click the Licensing tab
  4. Select and erase the old license string found in the License String field
  5. Open the license file obtained from Vision Database Systems and copy the license string into clipboard (Edit > Select All, Edit > Copy)
  6. Paste the new license into the License String field (Right Click > Paste)
  7. Click Validate License
  8. The License Expiration Date will now display the new expiration date and the number of licenses will be displayed